Eco Accounts provides a standard, simple transaction experience for apps across the Eco Protocol, allowing onchain apps to manage cross-chain accounts and support cross-chain interactions seamlessly. Accounts allows developers and users to spend their balances in a unified balance by composing with Routes.

Bend is a prime example of this in action. In Bend, a user has a single, abstracted stablecoin balance, and they do not need to know any details about which chain they are on. Under the hood, Bend uses Routes to coordinate cross-chain interactions seamlessly without requiring any user awareness of the underlying processes. Accounts is a generalized implementation of the Bend stack, available to all developers.

Accounts Overview

In general, Accounts will work by creating a system of Smart Accounts for a given user across many different chains that will act as a unified cross-chain account system, called an Eco Account. An Eco Account will allow a user to submit a single signature on any destination chain for an action to be done by a set of solvers, who will fulfill those requests by leveraging Routes.

Unlike Routes, an Eco Account will only be required to submit a single transaction to a solver on a given destination chain. As part of this transaction, solvers and users will negotiate which collateral they want to exchange to facilitate the action, which will be negotiated offchain. This will enable a single signature to commit collateral on multiple chains and for the user to experience a fully chain-abstracted balance.

Eco Accounts is slated for 2025’s Mainnet launch of the Eco Protocol. After launching it, developers can integrate accounts directly in their applications using a WalletConnect-like interface.